We’re teaming up with the School Garden Support Organization Network to present this webinar: An Introduction to Incorporating Greenhouses into Your School Garden: Extending Your Garden-Based Learning and Growing Season.
Sign up using this link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fNj6HAv7TLKAISvany5cbQ
This workshop is an introduction for educators who are exploring ways to incorporate a greenhouse as a hands-on learning environment and/or tool to extend their growing. It will offer information and resources for establishing a new project or further activating an existing greenhouse or hoop house. The presentation will highlight the Greenhouse Manual created by the United States Botanic Garden, the National Center for Appropriate Technology and City Blossoms, which participants can download for free. Youth Staff members from Mighty Greens will also share their expertise and experiences growing and running their business in greenhouses in DC.