We are thrilled to participate in the FBEN Conference as a field trip site! If you are attending the conference, be sure to sign up for this DC-based visit to two of our green spaces as well as Soilful City’s spaces! For more information, visit the conference’s field trip page here.
”Travel to Washington, D.C. to immerse yourself in two innovative programs with community engagement at the heart. City Blossoms collaborates with community stakeholders to create holistic, accessible green spaces for people of all ages, with a particular focus on low-income communities and Latino, African-American, and immigrant youth. In every green space that City Blossoms builds and maintains, they work to incorporate each element so that children and youth can use their intellect, creativity, and energy to grow fantastic and functional gardens. This trip will tour two of their green spaces (one at a school), where City Blossoms hosts free and affordable kid-focused programming. Soilful City, also located in Washington, D.C. seeks to bring justice to communities and heal the sacred relationship between communities of African descent and Mother earth. Soilful views farming not only as a way to cultivate food and sovereignty for communities, but as a way to heal and rebuild our souls. Through compost trainings, value-added food production, and creating garden-spaces for meeting, founder and D.C. native, Xavier Brown works in solidarity with under resourced communities to develop a collective consciousness about restoring bodies, families, communities, and the land in which they live and to create a harmony among individuals, communities, and the natural world.
This field trip is $25, no lunch provided. (Field trip will stop the 14th St., NW and U St., NW Farmers’ Market where you can purchase your own)”
Please note that all FBEN Conference field trips will begin and end at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel (903 Dulaney Valley Rd, Towson, MD 21204)